negotiated price
For rentWarehouse space, / 300m2/, Žilina - Lietavská Svinná
Location: Lietavská Svinná
300 m²
Realty Alpia offers you a warehouse space for rent, /300m2/, Žilina - Lietavská Svinná. There is a space intended for storage with dimensions of approx. 30x10m. El. is available. energy 230/400V. Access 24/7. The advantages are the easily accessible location and the possibility of customization according to one's own intention. A bonus is the new concrete floor. We will be happy to provide you with more information at phone number: 0948 353 500 or at
- Najlepšia cena za m2
- Najlacnejšia v okolí
Date of last update: 20.11.2023

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