from 512 € per month
109 900,00 €

For sale

Cottage, wooden house with a nice garden / 833 m2 / Kysucké Nové Mesto - Rudinská

Location: Rudinská

2 rooms




131.93  €/m²

196 days
329 x
5 x
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Realty Alpia offers for sale a cottage with a nice garden and a gazebo with a total area of ​​833 m2 in the village of Rudinská district of Kysucké Nové Mesto. Layout: kitchen, two separate rooms, bathroom with toilet. IS - electrical energy, municipal water supply, gas connection and waste managed in the form of a private cesspool. Access via the municipal asphalt road. The advantages are good accessibility to the district and regional cities and the well-preserved condition of the cottage, which can be used for permanent residence or as a recreational cottage or cottage. A bonus is a plot near the cottage with an area of ​​531 m2 that can be used as a farm, the beautiful nature of Kysúc and year-round easy access. The offer includes an outbuilding, a garage, a shed and a gazebo with a fireplace and seating. We recommend a personal inspection, during which you will also be presented with free financial advice if you are interested. We will be happy to provide you with more information on phone number: 0905 358 191 or roman.akantis@realityalpia.sk



state property:need for more reconstruction
More information about the property:sunny real estate, quiet location
Landscape:plain and a slight slope
heating mode:local gas, local fuel
Zariadenie kúpelne:Sprchovací kút
Age of structure:more than 50 years
Construction materials:wood
Electricity:230 / 400V
Building Energy Rating Certificate:not available
public water supply:yes
hot water:boiler
waste:septic tank / cesspool
Option mortgage:yes


  • Large plot of land
  • Najlepšia cena za m2
  • Najlacnejšia v okolí

Date of last update: 28.08.2024

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According to the Act on the protection of personal data I agree with the processing of personal data (name, title, phone, e-mail) in the information system of the real estate Alpia, in order to prepare an offer for an indefinite period.

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