negotiated price
For sale3-room apartment with loggia, /69m2/, Žilina - Solinky
Location: Žilina
3 rooms
69 m²
Realty Alpia offers for sale a 3-room apartment with a loggia, /69m2/, Žilina - Solinky. Layout consists of a corridor, living room, kitchen, two non-passable rooms, bathroom and toilet. The apartment in its original condition is suitable for complete reconstruction. The advantages are a good location, civic amenities, plenty of greenery and the condition of the apartment building. Bonuses are the loggia and the cellar. We will be happy to provide you with more information on phone no. 0948 353 500 or at
- Obľúbená lokalita
- Najlepšia cena za m2
- Najlacnejšia v okolí
Date of last update: 13.05.2024

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